GOLD gRNA - allows robust genome editing regardless of spacer sequence composition by super stable hairpin technology
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening)
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien
Ref.-Nr.: 1306-6101-LI
Scientists at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig demonstrated that low cleavage efficiency of targets can be due to non-canonical gRNA secondary structures (“misfolding”) provoked by certain spacer sequences.
They have developed a guide RNA (gRNA) backbone comprising an elongated super stable (first) hairpin that does not interact with a Cas enzyme but locks the secondary structure of the whole gRNA in order to suppress such misfolding and thereby to enforce and enable correct base pairing of the spacer sequence to its target sequence in otherwise failing gRNAs.
This GenOme-Editing-Locked-Design (GOLD-tracr/gRNA) allows robust genome editing regardless of spacer sequence composition. By introduction into unbiased gRNA libraries it can help to make them more efficient in their cleavage capabilities in CRISPR knock-out, activation or repression screens without compromising already well behaving gRNAs in general.
Patent Information
A priority application protecting a stabilized hairpin and its use has been filed in 2021. More information is available under confidentiality only for the time being.
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