IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Ref.-Nr.: 1801-6323-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Fusionstechnologie /-energie
The invention relates to a Monte-Carlo program implemented in Fortran 90. It treats the bombardment of incident ions on different target structures such as mono-atomic targets, layer structures or composition target structures. The two general cases considered in the code are the static case, where the target composition is fixed during the simulation, and the dynamic case, where modifications of the target caused by the ion bombardment are taken into account.
A further development of the ...
Barodome: Arrangement of Barometric Sensors and Machine Learning Based Force Inference Method
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5882-GÖ
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten
When developing applications such as robots, sensing of forces applied on a robot hand or another part of a robot such as a leg or a manipulation device is crucial in giving robots increased capabilities to move around and manipulate objects. We offer a complete low-cost sensor solution with the sensor arrangement, production method, the neural network and its training method.
CellNetAnalyzer: A Software Package for Analyzing Structure and Function of Cellular Networks
Ref.-Nr. 1402-3895-LC
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
CellNetAnalyzer (CNA) is a MATLAB toolbox providing various computational methods for analyzing structure and function of metabolic, signaling, and regulatory networks. For metabolic networks, CNA supports a variety of stoichiometric and constraint-based modeling techniques, including flux balance analysis (FBA), metabolic flux analysis, elementary-modes analysis, or computational strain design (e.g., minimal cut set analysis). Signal transduction and (gene) regulatory networks can be ...
Ref.-Nr.: 1401-4358-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Das Verfahren der Lock-in-Thermographie (LIT) gestattet es, 2-dimensionale Bilder der Verteilung der in einer Probe dissipierten Leistung zu erzeugen. Allerdings sind diese Lock-in Thermogramme noch durch die unvermeidliche laterale Wärmediffusion in der Probe "verbreitert" (blurred). Das "DECONV"-Programm gestattet es, diese thermische Verbreiterung durch die Anwendung eines örtlichen Entfaltungs-Verfahrens wieder rückgängig zu machen und dadurch die effektive Ortsauflösung der Lock-in-Thermographie ...
Dynamic control of three-dimensional light distributions through wavefront engineering: hardware and software system
Ref.-Nr.: 0202-5001-LI
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Engineering light distributions in a three-dimensional volume to achieve selective illumination profiles is an instrumental task shared by many optical and microscopy techniques. The optimization of the light distribution can lead to significant enhancement of relevant performance figures and ultimately to the extension of the instrument or experimental protocol capabilities1,2,3,4,5. Targeted illumination profiles can be used either to mechanically interact with molecules at nanometer ...
Electroluminescence Imaging Evaluation: Software EL-Fit
Ref.-Nr.: 1401-4175-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
This software is based on the paper "Quantitative evaluation of electroluminescence images of solar cells" by O. Breitenstein et al.1). It allows to load a number of electroluminescence (EL) images to different biases, which have to be given as ASCii tables.
Weiterlesen … Electroluminescence Imaging Evaluation: Software EL-Fit
Insight: Haptic Sensor with Camera and Machine Learning
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5981-GÖ
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten
Robots need detailed haptic sensing that covers their complex surfaces to learn effective behaviors in unstructured environments. However, state-of-the-art sensors tend to focus on improving precision and sensitivity, increasing texel density, or enlarging the sensed area rather than prioritizing system robustness and the usability of the sensed haptic information.
Weiterlesen … Insight: Haptic Sensor with Camera and Machine Learning
Lock-in thermography evaluation software for solar cells – Local I-V 2 (replacing Local I-V)
Ref.-Nr.: 1401-4359-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
The efficiency of solar cells is strongly affected by local inhomogeneities. Especially inhomogeneities of the dark-current voltage (I-V) characteristic are of interest: The local dark current-voltage characteristic is a measure for the local recombination properties of the solar cell. Lock-in thermography performed in the dark (DLIT) can be used to detect and evaluate locally increased dark current densities.
MARS – software for robust and automatic backbone assignment of protein NMR spectra
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-5990-MG
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
MARS is a powerful program for robust automatic backbone assignment of proteins. MARS is applicable to proteins with extreme chemical shift degeneracy such as high molecular weight proteins and partially disordered or fully intrinsically disordered proteins. MARS is successfully used in many labs world-wide as evidenced by a huge number of citations.
Weiterlesen … MARS – software for robust and automatic backbone assignment of protein NMR spectra
Multifunctional RFID-based Platform for Animal Observation and Manipulation
Ref.-Nr.: 0214-5247-MG und 0214-5440-MG
IT / Software / Bioinformatik : (andere) Software
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Sensoren
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Geräte
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Komponenten
An efficient system to monitor and control animal behavior in wildlife as well as in laboratory settings
Weiterlesen … Multifunctional RFID-based Platform for Animal Observation and Manipulation
PALES software package
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-5926/6382-MG
IT / Software / Bioinformatik : Bioinformatik
NMR spectroscopy is a unique technique for the assignment of the constitution, configuration and conformation of small molecules, natural products, proteins, nucleic acid and oligosaccharides. NMR-derived residual dipolar couplings overcome limitations associated with traditional NMR data, avoid data misinterpretation and provide novel insights into structure-activity relationships. In order to leverage the full potential of residual dipolar couplings, however, powerful dedicated software and ...
Protein Cristallography (XDS)
Ref.-Nr.: 0105-1318-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
X-ray Detector Software for processing single-crystal monochromatic diffraction data recorded by the rotation method.
Ray Casting Algorithm (RCA) for Unprecedented Bone Segmentation Analysis
Ref.-Nr.: 1306-4111-LI
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
In the last decade, high-resolution computed tomography (CT) and microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) have been increasingly used in anthropological studies and as a complement to traditional histological techniques. This is due in large part to the ability of CT techniques to nondestructively extract three-dimensional representations of bone structures. Despite prior studies employing CT techniques, no completely reliable method of bone segmentation has been established.
Weiterlesen … Ray Casting Algorithm (RCA) for Unprecedented Bone Segmentation Analysis
Shape from Release: Inverse Design and Fabrication of Controlled Release Structures
Ref.-Nr.: 1200-6557-GÖ
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten
Objects with different shapes can dissolve in significantly different ways inside a solution. Predicting different shapes’ dissolution dynamics is an important problem especially in pharmaceutics. More important and challenging, however, is controlling the dissolution via shape, i.e., designing shapes that lead to a desired release behavior of materials in a solvent over a specific time. Here, we tackle this challenge by introducing a computational inverse design pipeline.
Weiterlesen … Shape from Release: Inverse Design and Fabrication of Controlled Release Structures
SIMNRA 7 software
Ref.-Nr.: 1801-4849-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Fusionstechnologie /-energie
SIMNRA is a Microsoft Windows program for the simulation of energy spectra for ion beam analysis with incident ions from about 100 keV to many MeV. SIMNRA can be used for the simulation of Rutherford backscattering (RBS), elastic backscattering with non-Rutherford cross-sections (EBS), nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), and medium energy ion scattering (MEIS). Almost 3000 different non-Rutherford and nuclear reactions cross-sections for incident protons, ...
The Camera Offset Space: Real-time Potentially Visible Set Computations for Streaming Rendering
Ref.-Nr.: 1200-5472-BC
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
The presented technology offers an enhanced streaming rendering pipeline that enables the display of high fidelity, high framerate and high solution for noval views in real time on thin lightweight HMDs suitable especially for VR experiences.
How does it work?
The key idea of this technology is based on a novel algorithm for Potentially Visible Set (PVS) creation: the camera offset space (COS), which for a given point on the image plane provides information under which camera ...